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What is art? I like to think of art as turning imagination into reality. What do I mean by this? I mean that art is creativity, the ability to create something is what art is.  I find it that we, we as in humans, need to find a way to express what is in our minds and to do so we’d like to do it artistically through the skills of music, drawing photography, writing or even engineering.  Being able to develop and create makes our world and reality a unique place to live. Art is very powerful as it delves into our creative juices and brings out emotions and expressions that are not normally shown. Our minds are full of imaginative things and sometimes we would like to share it to the world. Some may be bad others would be wonderful but art allows us to bring these things into reality. Everything in this world can be related to art. Art is knowledge, creativity, and patience. Being able to have at least one of these things can make you an artist. Many people say they can’t create art, but I find this bizarre as they may not be able to draw the mono Lisa but they are cable of testing and creating a cure for diseases or creating a program that allows people to find their phones if they are lost.  I personally find that a work of art as well. In the end art isn’t just about drawing writing or photography, but art is about creating, engineering and developing.


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